Technology in Education Leads to Technology in the Workplace

This video presents a number of educators and school administrators talking about the future of mobile technologies in education. I posted here about the Z-generation and their relationship with technology. My kids are using iPads in school in place of paper textbooks and as computers. Instead of a 50-lb book bag and laptop, they’re carrying an iPad. My 9 year old son just wrote his first paper on an iPad this week.

The kids today who are learning with the aide of technology will be ejected into the workplace sooner than you might expect. Do you want to bet the future of your firm on your current paper-based technologies?

Don’t expect these kids to be satisfied working in a place where they cannot use available technologies to get work done.

I’m optimistic because of the power of individuals and I think what mobile technology does is it puts power in the hands of individual people.

In real terms, it’s the learners that are going to inherit the world. So if we continue to learn and continue to adopt and continue to change, surely we’ll be able to adapt to a future that doesn’t exist at this moment in time.


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